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As every producer has unique land and production goals, Northstar Seed has a dedicated team of forage seed specialists to help guide you to get the most out of your forage acres. This combined with a very broad line-up of high yielding forage legumes and grasses, allows Northstar Seed to provide you with the best possible forage solutions for your operation.

Choose from the following types of forage to learn about offered varieties:


VarietyFall DormencyWinter HardinessRoot TypeKey Features



Rapid Growth

Spec Sheet

4 2 Tap

The latest enhancement in StandFast Technology:

  • Selected for high forage DM and NDF levels
  • High multifoliate expression and fast recovery
  • Well suited for silage production and dairy producers 


High Yield, Low Dormancy

Spec Sheet

 1.5 Tap 

High performance synthetic variety:

  • Multi-foliate with high leaf-to-stem ratio
  • High forage dry matter yield and RFV
  • Vigorous roots
  • Dense crowns

AAC Meadowview


Acid Tolerant

Spec Sheet

2 Not Rated Branching Tap

Acid tolerant variety ideally suited for the foothills of AB and Peace region of AB and BC:

  • Deep set crowns
  • Erect spring growth habit
  • Rapid regrowth after cutting

TH2 Alfalfa

Top Performer

Spec Sheet

4 2.5 Tap

A top performing alfalfa that is well suited for the majority of alfalfa growers/conditions in Western Canada:

  • High multi-leaf expression
  • Rapid regrowth
  • Superior disease resistance

Response WT

Wet Tolerant

Spec Sheet

4 2 Branching

Performs well on medium to heavy soils. A very strong variety that should be considered whether seeding dryland or irrigation:

  • Excellent forage quality
  • High yielding branch rooted variety
  • Adjusts its root growth based on level of moisture stress


Creeping Root

Spec Sheet

2 1 Creeping

A very strong creeping root that has performed exceptionally well under most conditions in Western Canada:

  • Strong performer under dryland conditions
  • Excellent winter survival

Rugged ST

Salt Tolerant

Spec Sheet

3 2 Tap

A very hardy variety:

  • Large, broad, deep-set crowns
  • Tolerance to increased salt levels


Grazing Tolerant

4 2 Branching

A flexible variety that is bred for high hay yields as well as grazing tolerance:

  • Aggressive, branching root system
  • Sunnken crown stands up to grazing pressure and high traffic from equipment
  • Tolerant to defoliation by the Alfalfa Weevil


Alfalfa Blends

Blend 10-5

A varietal #1 blend that uses only Northstar Seed premium alfalfas. This blend offers top performance characteristics that will adapt to various soil conditions, combining the strengths of each unique variety.

Spec Sheet

Ultimate Dryland Blend

Certified blend of Runner and Robust alfalfa for dryland producers.

Spec Sheet

Legume Seed

AAC Mountainview Sainfoin

This new sainfoin variety was developed by Surya Acharya, Agriculture Canada, providing improved winter hardiness and rapid re-growth.

Spec Sheet

SpeciesUseLongevityWinter HardinessSeeds/PoundGrowing PeriodPlant Type


Spec Sheet

Hay & Pasture Long Good 200,000 Spring-Fall Tap, Branch, Creeping Rooted

Alsike Clover

Spec Sheet

Hay & Pasture Short Fair 700,000 Spring-Fall Branched

Birdsfoot Trefoil

Pasture Short Good 375,000 Spring-Fall Tap Rooted with Branches

Cicer Milkvetch

Pasture Long Good 130,000 Late Spring-Fall Creeping Rooted

Red Clover

Hay & Pasture Short Poor 275,000 Spring Tap Rooted with Side Branches


Pasture Long Fair 32,00 (Dehulled) Spring-Summer Tap Rooted

Sweet Clover

Spec Sheet

Hay & Silage 2 Years Fair 260,000 Spring of 2nd Year Tap Rooted

White Clover

Pasture Short to Long Good 800,000 Spring-Fall Rhizomatous


Grass Seed


Cache Brand Meadow Bromegrass

Spec Sheet

More upright growth, improved quality, and performance that is suitable in hay and pasture blends.

Nabucco Italian Ryegrass

Spec Sheet

A tetraploid variety that delivers improved quality over standard Annual ryegrass. Nabucco offers quick regrowth, excellent palatability, digestibility, high energy/feed quality and very high sugar content.

Courtenay Tall Fescue

Spec Sheet

This variety was selected for high yield, quality and improved winter survival. With large, high quality basal leaves and flood and saline tolerance, Courtenay is an ideal component in seed mixtures.

Early Arctic Orchard Grass

Spec Sheet

An exceptional orchard grass that demonstrates above average hardiness. Early Arctic has strong winter survival and is an excellent companion when blended with alfalfa, and performs well in pasture or hay production.

Elunaria Annual Ryegrass

Spec Sheet

A Westerworld type annual grass suitable for hay, haylage or pasture. Elunaria offers a high yield opportunity with very good quality broad leaves.

Express Timothy

Spec Sheet

A recommended component in most hay and pasture blends, Express has excellent winter survivability, medium maturity, great regrowth and leafiness for domestic hay production.

AC Knowles Hybrid Bromegrass

Spec Sheet


Jungle Italian Ryegrass


Very high yield and extremely fast regrowth.

Novio Timothy


Export quality with medium maturity and large, soft leaves.

Carlton Smooth Bromegrass

A widely adaptable sod-forming bromegrass that includes a moderate saline tolerance.

Preval Meadow Fescue

Tolerates wet soils, and withstands close grazing.


Max Seed Blends


Dual Max

High-quality grasses that have very good regrowth habits. This blend will offer excellent grazing potential and is suited to most grazing systems. Prefers medium to heavy soils.

  • 50% Fleet Meadow Bromegrass
  • 25% Carlton Smooth Bromegrass
  • 20% High Arctic Brand Orchardgrass
  • 5% Alfalfa Blend 10-5

Bloat Free Max

Cicer Milkvetch is a hardy non-bloat legume. Fleet Meadowbrome and Courtenay Tall Fescue are very adaptable grasses.

  • 40% Fleet Meadow Bromegrass
  • 25% AAC Mountainview Sanfoin
  • 25% Cicer Milkvetch
  • 10% Courtenay Tall Fescue

Western Grass Max

High quality all grass blend. If properly managed can be a very productive pasture blend. No concerns with bloat.

  • 45% Fleet Meadow Bromegrass
  • 25% High Arctic Brand Orchardgrass
  • 15% Courtenay Tall Fescue
  • 10% Express Timothy
  • 5% Creeping Red Fescue

Dryland Dual Max

Dryland pasture production. Meadow Bromegrass offers a long grazing season with very good quality and regrowth. Crested Wheatgrass, excellent early season growth.

  • 65% Fleet Meadow Bromegrass
  • 15% Kirk Crested Wheatgrass
  • 15% Pubescent Wheatgrass
  • 5% Runner Alfalfa

Saline Pasture Max

High quality all grass blend, no concerns with bloat. Widely adapted blend to various soil types and moisture conditions.

  • 30% Courtenay Tall Fescue
  • 30% Carlton Smooth Bromegrass
  • 20% Slender Wheatgrass
  • 20% Dahurian Wildrye

Ultimate Pasture Blend

The ultimate legume grazing blend, will provide 70/30 alfalfa/sainfoin plant population in the field.

  • 70% AAC Mountainview Sainfoin
  • 30% Haygrazer Alfalfa




Ranchers Hay Max

Adaptability. A very good blend that will deliver high yield potential under good fertility and moisture conditions.

  • 40% Fleet Meadow Bromegrass
  • 30% Carlton Smooth Bromegrass
  • 30% Ranchers Choice Brand Alfalfa

Premium Hay Max

A very hardy mixture that includes Express Timothy, our high-quality leafy timothy, and Alfalfa Blend 10-5, our best alfalfa blend. This blend delivers a multiple-cut hay stand under good management and soil conditions.

  • 65% Alfalfa Blend 10-5
  • 30% Fleet Meadow Bromegrass
  • 5% Express Timothy

Lowland Max

Ideally used in areas of poor drainage for hay or pasture.

  • 50% Courtenay Tall Fescue
  • 30% Marathon Reed Canary Grass
  • 20% Express Timothy


High production blend for producers wanting a high-performance alfalfa with timothy. Express Timothy has excellent tolerance to low lying areas, to increase production.

  • 90% Alfalfa Blend 10-5
  • 10% Express Timothy

Saline Hay Max

Productive soils that are demonstrating early signs of salt stress. Has tolerance to increased moisture conditions.

  • 40% Courtenay Tall Fescue
  • 40% Rugged ST Alfalfa
  • 20% Carlton Smooth Bromegrass